The Tongzhi Literary Group has begun a new initiative for 2015: TLG Salon. 今年小組再獻新猷,舉行「同志文學沙龍」( TLG Salon)。
Bring your own writing – anything of any kind that you are working on – and read five minutes’ worth to the group. It doesn’t have to be LGBTIQ-oriented and neither do you. Just share what is currently keeping you scribbling late at night, between meetings or on the bus. You just get five minutes. Be fun. Be frivolous. Be serious. Be daring. 「沙龍」屬較小規模的作者交流小組,參與者可帶同作品,利用五分鐘時間朗讀,與其他人士交流切磋。無論你是否同志,作品與同志群體是否相關都無任歡迎。無論是你日以繼夜琢磨的長篇故事,或是趁短促餘暇寫就的短篇作品,都歡迎你報名參加。
The bar opens at 7:30 pm for socializing; readings begin at 8:00 pm. Other than that, there is no formal programme. 酒吧將於晚上7時半開放,大家可自由交流,8時正式開始圍讀時段。
Space is limited, so please register here. 座位有限,敬請提早報名。
Next Salon date, time and venue To be announced. Admission is free but seating is limited, so reservations are required. Cash bar.